Welcome to the new website! Thank you for your patience as we update content on various pages.

Welcome! Awake Human is evolving.

New features:

We want to serve our customers better. Here are some of the coming improvements:

  • New product page layouts that make it easier to find the information you want about the product
  • A verified purchase and review system for products
  • Subscribe and save options with the ability to pause, skip or cancel anytime
  • A much faster website that is properly optimized
  • Finally, content related to the purpose that fuels this little project we call Awake Human. (we love humans)

*Please bear with us as we work rapidly to integrate the various bits and bobs behind the scene to make these changes happen. :)

Coming Soon:

We are pleased to be releasing an encapsulated retinol serum with bakuchiol:

  • In development for the past 18 months, we designed this encapsulated retinol specifically for our customers who have sensitive and tricky skin types
  • Encapsulation of the retinol molecule allows for it to be released over-time
  • If traditional retinols have been too harsh for your skin this may be a good option to try in order to gain the benefits of long-term retinol use
  • Passes extensive HRIPT safety testing and is verified as a non-irritant and non comedogenic
  • Contains added bakuchiol for additional skin benefits